Highlights in IDA ICE 5.1 (beta)
Learn more about IDA ICE here
Yearly climate-based daylight1
Climate-based daylight calculation using the Radiance™ Three-Phase method.
- Easy setup, execution, and results visualization, all inside IDA ICE.
- Calculation on selected zones or user-defined measuring planes placed inside or outside of the building.
- A number of pre-defined metrics according to LEED 4, lm-83, BREEAM v6.0 and EN 17037.
- It is easy to define your own post-processing result using commonly used parameters like illuminance levels and time aggregation.
- Results presentation in a customizable report and in 3D with color-coded field visualization including possibility to show percentage of area above or below a threshold value.
- Sub hourly time steps and control signals from automatic shading controls.
Multi-Objective Optimization1
New easy-to-use automatic optimization with a powerful guiding algorithm that automatically selects the best optimization algorithms and their appropriate parameters. Built with reproducibility in mind, so the user can be assured to obtain the same result every time.
- Supports single and multiple objectives.
- Supports a mix of categorical parameters (i.e. list selections), integers, and real parameters with arbitrary precision.
- Supports user-defined objective functions through Graphical scripts.
- Possibility to add calculated results from reports, e.g. the Delivered energy report, to Outputs.
- Pause and Save functionality gives the user full control over the optimization process.
- Integrated within the already appreciated Parametric runs interface.
IDA ICE in the cloud (not yet available)2
Run IDA ICE in the cloud with a monthly subscription without installing it locally. You will enjoy these benefits:
- Access to a huge number of computational nodes (cores) for large jobs such as parametric runs/optimizations or version handling projects.
- Secure access from everywhere.
- Itemized billing based on user and project (to fairly divide licensing costs for larger organizations).
- A web application in which you have:
- Progress monitoring, E-mail notifications, session history
- Access to ICE forum
- Manage subscriptions
- Support for all types of simulations including these computationally intensive analyses:
New 3D animation of simulation results
The 3D animation of simulation results has been moved to a new Animation tab. With this new feature it is now possible to:
- Visualize much larger models and simulation results with vastly improved 3D performance.
- Save any number of animations which include settings of:
- Variable to animate and from which type of simulation.
- Time.
- Scalebar settings including threshold value.
- View point including section cut.
- View settings including visual filter, wall thickness, x-ray, wire frame and background color.
Improved memory management
The diagram handling and the 3D results visualization have been separated into a process, which makes is possible to visualize larger models and diagrams.
Improved productivity
- More than 15 new details tables.
- Many new parameters in existing tables.
- New thermal zone parameters “Text” and “Number” are available for sorting, visualization and scripting.
- Simplified editing of building bodies and thermal zones.
- Simplified object creation and editing, for example inserting grids of new objects on surfaces and centering objects on surfaces.
- Improved building body editing, for example merge building bodies and cloning building bodies into thermal zones and vice versa.
- Improved editing of imported IFC objects, for example creating face windows and openings based upon IFC windows and IFC geometries, creating building bodies from IFC geometries and extruding IFC geometries into building bodies3.
- Move windows and openings between thermal zones and building bodies.
- Synchronized selection of objects in 3D and tables.
1 Included in IDA ICE in the cloud, and in limited edition in the Expert edition.
2 Included in IDA ICE in the cloud.
3 Included in the Expert edition and available as extension (BIM Import) to the Standard edition.